Health Care Law Services include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Providing legal advice, counsel, and training to University faculty and staff.
- Assisting in the development of University policy and procedures.
- Reviewing contracts and other legal documents.
- Providing legal advice regarding patient care, compliance, and medical staff matters.
- Providing advice on proposed collaborations with external entities.
- Helping to resolve disputes, claims, and litigation.
- Securing and coordinating the services of outside legal counsel when necessary.
Contact Us: 951.827.5077
Request LS
Please contact our office at (951) 827-5077 if you have a request for legal assistance or advice, or a question about how to obtain legal advice or assistance. If your request involves review of a contract, the offices listed below handle the contracts identified and are usually the starting point for those contracts. Please contact those offices to start the process for your contract review. Our office is available to provide legal review for those contracts, as requested by those offices, or to answer questions that you may have about the process.
- Affiliation Agreements (rotation of students or residents to and/or from UCR).
- Clinical Services Agreements (professional medical services, medical directorship services, etc.).
- Intellectual Property Agreements (trademark, patent, copyright issues).
- Purchasing Agreements (purchase of equipment or software/hardware systems, hiring a consultant, donated items/services).
- Real Estate Agreements (leases, acquisition of property, etc.).
- Research and Grant Agreements.
Please note that these offices will consult with our office on any legal issues, as necessary.
Communications between the UCR OLA Health Sciences Counsel and its UCR clients seeking advice are generally subject to the attorney-client privilege of confidentiality. The UCR OLA Health Sciences Counsel cannot provide legal advice to employees, faculty, or students on personal legal matters.
- Who does the UCR OLA Health Sciences Counsel represent?
The UCR Health OLA Health Sciences Counsel represent the University (including the UCR clinics) as an institution. The University's attorneys also advise and represent University employees acting within the course and scope of their employment in matters concerning the University. They do not, however, advise or represent employees in their individual capacity or on personal matters not involving University business.
- How do I request assistance from the UCR OCC Health Sciences Counsel?
If you have an issue related to UCR School of Medicine and/or UCR Health business, please first discuss it with your supervisor. If you and your supervisor wish to consult an attorney for advice about the issue, please contact us at (951)827-5077.
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