The Office of Legal Affairs provides counsel and legal advice to the Chancellor and his cabinet as well as to the senior leadership at UCR. We do not represent individual faculty, staff or students.
The Office of Legal Affairs provides legal advice and assistance on a wide range of matters affecting faculty, students and staff. Such matters include labor and employment, educational affairs, research, health affairs, technology transfer, privacy and information practices, land use, procurement, dispute resolution, compliance and regulations and policies of The Regents.
UC Legal Strategic Plan
Legal Strategic Plan
This strategic plan was developed to guide the UC Legal Division in focusing its energy and resources on actions that will best position the University of California's legal function to achieve its mission to serve the University.
Office of Legal Affairs
University of California, Riverside
900 University Ave
3148 Hinderaker Hall
Tel: (951) 827-5983
Legal Assistance
Does the Office of Legal Affairs provide legal advice and representation to students?
The Office of Legal Affairs only provides legal services to the Chancellor and his cabinet. Students can find legal assistance through ASUCR's Student Legal Clinic.
Does the Office of Legal Affairs provide legal advice and representation to faculty and staff of the university?
The Office of Legal Affairs provides legal services to the Chancellor and his cabinet. Faculty and staff, with non-work related issues, may visit the Lawyer Referral Service.