This site provides information related to the conflict of interest rules of the California Political Reform Act. The Political Reform Act (“Act”) requires certain state and local government officials to publicly disclose their private economic interests on the Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests. Additionally, it requires that all government (University) employees disqualify themselves from participating in decisions in which they have a personal financial interest.
The University’s Conflict of Interest Code adopts and incorporates portions of the Act, identifying those positions on each campus and at the Office of the President which are required to file a Statement of Economic Interest form. University employees may also be subject to other UC policies and procedures in addition to other conflict of interest laws. On this site you will find links to some of these policies and laws.
The University's philosophy on conflict of interest is that none of its faculty, staff, managers, or officials shall engage in any activities that place them in a conflict of interest between their official activities and any other interest or obligation. Personnel Policies for Staff Members 82, Conflict of Interestprovides a short summary of a number of University conflict of interest policies. In addition, a variety of specialized policies and guidelines have been issued in recognition of the need for guidance in this area and in the related areas of ethical standards and codes of conduct.
The compendium of policies and guidelines is intended for the use of University employees should the question of a possible conflict of interest arise. An individual who, after considering these policies, guidelines, and regulations, is still uncertain about the propriety of a particular action or relationship in connection with University duties, can consult the Conflict of Interest Coordinator in the Office of the Campus Counsel.